Download OpenAPI specification:Download
Apis for account related resources (authentication, profiles, organisation details etc)
[ { "id": 1, "name": "My organisation", "type": "ServiceProvider", "permissions": [] }, { "id": 4, "name": "Client 1 organisation", "type": "Customer", "permissions": [] } ]
Returns the organisation financial settings the current user is linked to
{ "id": 1, "yearEndDay": 31, "yearEndMonth": 3, "accountsPayableContacts": null, "currency": "NZD", "currencyName": "New Zealand Dollar", "currencySymbol": "$" }
{- "sourceId": "string",
- "authorEmailAddress": "string",
- "expectedFromAddress": "string",
- "matterId": 0,
- "mode": "Message",
- "recipients": [
- {
- "userId": "string"
Returns a list of users based on the filter criteria
[ { "id": "925ecaea-7d88-4b19-bcee-fd1c8164ddc2", "userName": null, "firstName": "Example", "lastName": "User", "organisationName": null, "organisationPictureCacheId": null, "directPhone": null, "mobilePhone": null, "email": "", "hasPicture": false, "pictureCacheId": 0, "invitationSentUtc": null, "userFullName": "Example User", "userInitials": "EU", "isRemoved": false, "isDisabled": false, "hourlyRate": null, "liveMattersCount": 277 } ]
{ "id": "123-456-789", "firstName": "Joey", "lastName": "Tribiani", "email": "", "mobilePhone": "987654321", "directPhone": "24680", "jobTitle": "Worker", "departmentId": 4, "specialityIds": [ 1, 2, 3 ], "biography": "Biography", "hourlyRate": 9.99, "linkedInUrl": "url", "organisationId": 5, "organisationName": "The Workplace", "organisationType": "Customer", "role": "Administrator", "departmentName": "Department", "hasPicture": true, "pictureCacheId": 78, "invitationSentUtc": "2024-02-22T07:42:35.0000000+00:00", "status": "LockedOut" }
Create a webhook subscription to receive notifications on events occuring in LawVu
Details of the webhook subscription to create
The ID of the created subscription
{- "topics": [
- "matter.created",
- "matter.updated",
- "matter.status.updated"
], - "clientState": "supersecretstring"
[ { "id": 1, "topics": [ "matter.created", "matter.updated", "matter.status.updated" ], "subscriptionUrl": "", "clientState": "supersecretstring", "status": "failed", "createdDateUtc": "2022-10-11T11:54:04.0000000+00:00", "createdBy": "461fffa2-950f-4961-b313-09fef67d419c", "modifiedDateUtc": "2022-12-19T11:54:04.0000000+00:00", "modifiedBy": "461fffa2-950f-4961-b313-09fef67d419c" }, { "id": 2, "topics": [ "contract.created" ], "subscriptionUrl": "", "clientState": "my client state", "status": "active", "createdDateUtc": "2022-10-15T11:54:04.0000000+00:00", "createdBy": "461fffa2-950f-4961-b313-09fef67d419c", "modifiedDateUtc": "2022-12-21T11:54:04.0000000+00:00", "modifiedBy": "461fffa2-950f-4961-b313-09fef67d419c" } ]
{ "id": 1, "topics": [ "matter.created", "matter.updated", "matter.status.updated" ], "subscriptionUrl": "", "clientState": "my client state", "status": "active", "createdDateUtc": "2022-10-11T11:54:04.0000000+00:00", "createdBy": "461fffa2-950f-4961-b313-09fef67d419c", "modifiedDateUtc": "2022-12-19T11:54:04.0000000+00:00", "modifiedBy": "461fffa2-950f-4961-b313-09fef67d419c" }
[ { "type": "file", "id": 414236, "title": "NDA contract for John Doe - V2.pdf", "description": "LV1762-00001 - Advice on Matter", "lastActivityDate": "2023-11-07T01:51:41.0000000+00:00", "matterId": 164476, "contractId": null, "contentType": "application/pdf", "documentId": "LV1762-0000004.1", "ownerId": "", "managerId": "", "contractStatus": null, "matterCategoryName": null }, { "type": "matter", "id": 164476, "title": "Advice on Matter", "description": "LV1762-00001", "lastActivityDate": "2023-11-07T01:51:39.0000000+00:00", "matterId": null, "contractId": null, "contentType": "", "documentId": null, "ownerId": "GUID", "managerId": null, "contractStatus": null, "matterCategoryName": "Advice" }, { "type": "contract", "id": 78173, "title": "NDA for Contract", "description": "Contract ID: 78173", "lastActivityDate": "2023-11-06T09:16:25.0000000+00:00", "matterId": null, "contractId": null, "contentType": "", "documentId": null, "ownerId": "GUID", "managerId": "", "contractStatus": "Negotiating", "matterCategoryName": null } ]